Rachel Davis

Workshop experience designer & facilitator

Butter Community Hub | Rach Davis

Designing Joyful Brainstorming Experiences

This workshop takes ‘well-designed’ space to another level as we explore together how to purposefully build effective and, dare I say it, exciting brainstorming sessions to generate new ideas.

Joy is an essential part of well being for your team, your participants and anyone else collaborating with you.

Just as we feel comfortable, relaxed, and even happy If an app is designed well, we also feel the same if a session or workshop is designed well. It infuses us with energy and ideas just flow.

Maybe you’ve already experienced this. Have you ever felt your creative energy being drained in brainstorming sessions? Maybe you’ve struggled with getting people to share their thoughts or ask questions? Or perhaps, you’ve found it difficult to run workshops that get everyone inspired to create something extraordinary?

Wonder what would happen if you took a breath, and intentionally designed sessions that energize and spark play? Opening up minds for even better ideation. Putting minds into that happy and relaxed state that allows curiosity and wonder to overflow in the room.

Many of us know the importance of both generating a lot of ideas and narrowing down to the most promising ones. But how do we do this in a way that unlocks creativity and joy requires purposeful thought around designing experiences that both stretch us and can be playful at the same time.

In this session, you’ll dive into the joyful side of brainstorming, and tackle actionable methodologies and tools to encourage more creative ideas – and get your participants excited for them.

• Explore brainstorming blockers and how we smash those!
• Learn how to purposefully build a joyful brainstorming session from opening to closing moments and beyond.
• Pick up some creative (and fun!) brainstorming techniques that gets the group away from the blank page trap, which I affectionately call the “swan in the snowstorm”
• How to prepare your participants for a brainstorming session and warm their brains up!
• See Butter in action, and discover new techniques to design and run engaging sessions that encourage a playful and open space.

About Rachel

Meet Rachel, a Workshop Experience Designer and Facilitator based in the United States. She has over 18 years experience across design thinking, brand and creative strategy, workshop creation, and facilitation. She’s a firm believer that play is the doorway to our wildest ideas, and as a result, she’s built her own consulting company to help others bring that joy and energy into their workshops.

Coming from an environment where being creative was like pulling teeth, she’s worked throughout her career to help others move past the thoughts that they are ‘just not creative. or they ‘don’t have good ideas.’ Community is also a huge part of her journey. Rachel leads a Miro Community Group and helps run the ButterMixers, a twice monthly session with the curious minds over at the Butter Community.

She looks for inspiration everywhere and one of her favorite things to explore are books. She probably have way too many books on her reading list right now, so don’t ever hesitate to ask her for a suggestion on what to read next!